WESTON, W.Va. — Teachers in Lewis County will no longer be allowed to wear blue jeans, faded jeans or shorts to school.
On Monday night, the Lewis County Board of Education unanimously approved the ban on those clothing items as part of a teacher dress code policy despite objections from many teachers.
Former West Virginia Education Association President Tom Lange said he thinks any problems with what teachers are wearing should be addressed individually.
“If it’s a distraction, I think you deal with the person one on one. You don’t attack the masses to deal with a few. That’s my issue,” said Lange on Tuesday’s MetroNews “Talkline.”
A lawyer representing the American Federation of Teachers has said a lawsuit may be filed to challenge the dress code.
Lange said teachers have enough to worry about during a school day.
“It’s pretty tough to enforce and just another thing on people’s plates that they’ve got to try to deal with and they’ve got enough stuff to deal with and worry about,” he said.