PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — An Ohio man faces charges in West Virginia after he was accused of pulling a pistol while sitting for a picture with his family at a Parkersburg church.
Parkersburg Police were called to the Church of Christ on Camden Avenue in Parkersburg shortly before 4 p.m. on Thursday. The photographer told officers he was taking pictures for a church directory and had asked the family in the picture to smile when he was about to take the picture. The photographer tells police when he gave the command, the man in the picture Ted Miller, 48, of Belpre, Ohio pulled a pistol out of his pocket and pointed it toward the ceiling.
Soon afterward Miller left the church with his family, but returned a short time later as police were talking to the victim. Miller told police he had returned to apologize for the incident and cooperated with officers. He surrendered his gun and ammunition and was charged with brandishing a firearm. He was released on $1,000 bond after his arraignment in Wood County Magistrate Court.
Parkersburg Police noted the new rules for carrying a concealed firearm without a conceal carry permit will become effective at the end of May, but urged common sense while carrying a gun. Police cited state code and urged those who plan to arm themselves without a permit to be aware of the offense of brandishing.
“It shall be unlawful for any person armed with a firearm or other deadly weapon, whether licensed to carry the same or not, to carry, brandish or use such weapon in a way or manner to cause, or threaten, a breach of the peace.”