Kanawha County moves forward with judicial building project in hopes of cutting costs while under contract

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — There’s still work to do before any construction starts in downtown Charleston on the renovation and addition to the Kanawha County Judicial Building.

Lance Wheeler

The county needs more space because the legislature has added three magistrates and a circuit judge.

The bids came in way over budget but the county commission decided Tuesday night to sign the $16 million contract with the understanding it can change the scope of the project as the agreement moves forward.

Commission President Lance Wheeler said there should be a way to cut costs.

“There are probably things that got added into this project that really drove that price higher than we estimated,” Wheeler said.

The commission doesn’t want to spend more than about $13 million.

Ben Salango

Commissioner Ben Salango is hopeful changes can be made along the way.

“I came in here tonight with the intention to moving to reject the contract and starting over but if we can accept the project and simply change the scope and redesign (I’m for it),” Salango said.

The county underestimated the cost of materials as it was ramping up to take the project out to bid, Salango said.

“When we reviewed the itemization there are certain things you can’t change, like steel beams. You aren’t going to use 2 by 4’s,” Salango said.

The commissioners admitted there’s more to do even though the project is now under contract.

“I move to accept the bid but I would also caution anyone from putting a shovel in the ground just yet,” Salango said.

The commission says it’s possible the project could be finished some time in 2027.

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