Two northern West Virginia high schoolers are named 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Two West Virginia high school students have been named 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars.

Of the 161 high school seniors recognized as Presidential Scholars, the two from West Virginia are Lauren Jiayi Shen from Morgantown High School and Grant Carter Kenamond from Wheeling Park High School.

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona announced the Presidential Scholars Thursday. The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars selects these scholars annually based on their academic success which includes their excellence in the arts and technical education, written essays, school evaluations, transcripts and even community involvement and leadership.

“The 161 high school seniors selected for the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Presidential Scholars represent the best of our nation’s schools and inspire hope in the bright future of this country,” said Cardona. “On behalf of President Biden, I am delighted to celebrate their accomplishments, and encourage these scholars to continue to aim high, lift up others, and embrace opportunities to lead.”

The Presidential Scholars are made up of two students from each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and U.S. families living abroad. There are also 15 students chosen at-large, 20 scholars in the arts and 20 scholars in career and technical education.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin also offered his congratulations to the two students.

“The Presidential Scholars recognition is an incredible achievement for high school seniors, and Lauren and Grant have proven themselves to be excellent representatives of the Mountain State,” said Senator Manchin. “These students have earned this prestigious award through their dedication and hard work both in their academics and their communities. Gayle and I congratulate Lauren and Grant and their families for their selection as Presidential Scholars and for their remarkable academic and extracurricular accomplishments. Young people like these two are the future of West Virginia and set a wonderful example for us all.”

3.7 million students are expected to graduate from high school this year. Just over 5,700 candidates qualified for the 2024 awards.

“West Virginia students are world-class scholars, and Lauren and Grant are exceptional ambassadors for our state,” said State Superintendent of Schools Michele L. Blatt. “These students exemplify scholarly accomplishment, excellence and a commitment to civic responsibility that is inspiring. We wish them the very best in their future endeavors.”

Since its creation in 1964, the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program has honored over 8,200 students across the nation for their performance in the classroom and the community.

The entire Presidential Scholars Class of 2024 will be recognized in an online recognition program planned for this summer.

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