She’s Running For Reelection While Running An Election

In addition to overseeing the 2012 General Election in West Virginia, Secretary of State Natalie Tennant is also on the ballot.

Tennant, a Democrat, is running for a second term. Republican Brian Savilla, a member of the state House of Delegates from Putnam County, is challenging her.

Savilla says, if he’s elected, he’ll lead efforts to change the law so every voter will have to show photo identification to cast a ballot.

Tennant, though, says she thinks West Virginia’s current voter requirements are adequate.

“We have that you have to show identification when you register to vote. If you do it by mail, you have to show it the first time you vote. You show identification every time you go and state your address and sign your signature,” Tennant said.

She says, as Secretary of State, she thinks her job is to protect the most vulnerable voters. For some, she says getting a photo ID may be too expensive or too difficult.

“My concern becomes what arbitrary barriers are going to be put in place for someone to try to receive a photo ID, because not everyone has one,” Tennant said.

Tennant, a former television news anchor, was first elected in 2008. Since taking office, she says she has worked to improve ballot accessibility, government transparency and cracked down on election fraud.

Early voting continues through Saturday, November 3rd.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th.

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