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Ag Commissioner ready for State Fair week

FAIRLEA, W.Va. — State Agriculture Commissioner Kent Leonhardt expects a fun time for the next 10 days at the State Fair of West Virginia.

“It’s going to be a great fair this year and the weather forecast looks pretty good so far. I think we’re going to have a great time,” said Leonhardt on MetroNews Talkline on the eve of the opening of the fair in Greenbrier County.

The West Virginia Department of Agriculture plays a large role in the fair with exhibits and outreach. The Department also works closely with the fair board to insure safety and security of the livestock exhibits. The Department veterinarians were on hand to inspect and insure the health of all animals entering the fair grounds.

Kent Leonhardt

Leonhardt looked forward to the youth livestock shows which are always a major part of the gathering.

“Everybody that comes out and supports that provides funds that help with the education of our 4-H and FFA students around the state,” said the Commissioner..

He was also excited about the annual draft horse pull competition which is probably the fair’s best known and longest running exhibition.

“They just keep adding weight 500 pounds at a time until the horse can’t make it a distance. Whoever pulls that last load a distance wins the prizes. That’s always a lot of fun,” he said.

Leonhardt had high praise for the fair board’s work to land the grandstand talent, even though he admitted he had to look up some of the acts like Nelly and Ludacris.

“They’re not on my playlist, but I am going to take some time and check out their music,” he laughed.

The fair runs for ten days starting Thursday and includes the midway rides, exhibits, and tons of great food. You can follow the day’s events and plan your visit at the fair’s website.

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