Gannaway steps downs as executive director of West Virginia VOAD

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Executive Director of West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Jenny Gannaway has announced her retirement.

Jenny Gannaway

In a statement released Tuesday to their website, WV VOAD said Gannaway is stepping away to “prioritize quality time with her family.”

“We express our sincere gratitude to Jenny for her leadership, instrumental role in the growth of WV VOAD, and unwavering commitment to the organization,” the statement read.

WV VOAD said it would form a transition team over the next few weeks to help find the next executive director.

The organization is involved with disaster relief in West Virginia.

Gannaway came under fire by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Eric Tarr, R-Putnam, during an interim meeting of the Joint Legislative Committee on Flooding in early January when she testified about the handling of the nonprofit’s finances.

VOAD’s former finance and operations manager, Benjamin Cisco, was charged in the spring of 2023 with several counts of fraud and money laundering.

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