6:00pm: Sportsline with Tony Caridi

Summer officially arrives to late-summer like temperatures

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — It’s officially summer but West Virginia has been baking in the heat of what feels like late-summer all week.

National Weather Service Meteorologist Joe Curtis said the heat advisory will continue until Saturday night.

“The really difficult part is the humidity. We are seeing dew points in the upper 60s to lower 70s and that really makes the air feel pretty humid,” he said.

The heat dome continues to have an impact, Curtis said.

“It’s really when a big area of high pressure just sits right on top of us and it really causes the clouds to thin out and the sun beating down on us and we’ve got all of the humid air coming from the south which causes temperatures to be in the low to mid-90s like we’ve seen in the last few days,” Curtis said.

The summer solstice officially arrived at 4:51 p.m. Thursday. Curtis said it’s tough to predict if the weather West Virginia has experienced this week is what will dominate the summer months.

“Some years we’ll go through little cycles where we’ll get really hot for a time but then it will cool off as well,” he said. “In our expertise of the next seven days it looks like it’s going to be pretty hot, hotter than normal.”

The next best chance for rain is Sunday night which could include some heavier downpours. Temperatures will drop back in the 80s on Monday before topping the 90s again Tuesday and Wednesday.

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