Lawsuit filed against state police trooper in connection with alleged sexual assault

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A lawsuit has been filed by a woman who alleges to being raped by a West Virginia State Police trooper from Logan County.

The complaint was filed in Kanawha County Circuit Court, which claims the woman was abducted from the American Legion No. 19 by the trooper in December 2021.

The trooper has not been criminally charged.

According to the filed complaint, the victim was drugged, kidnapped, and then raped by the trooper the evening of December 17. On the morning of December 18, the victim alleged to have woken up naked, covered in blood, urine, and feces. It also read in the complaint that the victim had her earrings ripped from her ears, hair pulled from head, and damaged teeth in her mouth.

The plaintiff was seen at CAMC Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Charleston and was treated for sexual assault.

Attorney Dante diTrapano, who filed the complaint in Kanawha County Circuit Court Tuesday, described the event as a “brutal ordeal.”

“To allow such abuses as detailed in the Complaint to occur in Logan, West Virginia is a shocking display of callousness that should never be tolerated,” diTrapano said.

The other Attorney in this case, Jesse Forbes, said he too was shocked by these acts from a state trooper.

“These are the very people that are supposed to step in and protect the public from harm,” Forbes said. “To have allegations in Court that a West Virginia Trooper inflicted the horrific abuses
detailed in the Complaint is not only shocking but completely dismaying to the public as a whole who need to have faith in the law enforcement community.”

American Legion Post 19 is named in the lawsuit with the West Virginia State Police and the trooper.

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