PSC inspection blitz nets multiple violations

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The state Public Service Commission’s recent International Roadcheck inspection netted the discovery of more than 300 violations on West Virginia highways.

The PSC staged the 72-hour International Roadcheck as part of the annual three nation highways program.

Transportation Division officers were able to perform 438 commercial vehicle inspections during the May 14th to May 16th time frame. There were 47 PSC officers involved in the operation.

According to the Commission, 322 violations were found and 53 vehicle were taken off the road at inspections sites. Those inspections were handled at weigh stations on I-79 near Morgantown and I-64 near Hurricane. Plus officers conducted a number of spot checks on the rest of the state’s roadways during the 72 hour period of the program.

Each inspection was a 37-step procedure to verify the safety of the driver and the vehicle as well as compliance with the state’s motor carrier laws.

“We were extremely pleased with this year’s effort, which we considered a complete success,” said PSC Chair Charlotte Lane in a press release. “Our inspectors are top-notch. And every inspection makes a difference.”

West Virginia participates in the North American inspection program that includes Canada and Mexico. The program this year focused on tractor-trailer protection systems, controlled substances and alcohol possession. The Commercial Vehicles Safety Alliance sponsors the program. More than 1.8 million inspections occur yearly.

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