Manchin, other U.S. Senators, and a country music star show their support in Ukraine

KYIV, Ukraine — U.S. Senator Joe Manchin said a trip to Ukraine this week is to show their continued support to the nation while they’re still in the middle of a conflict.

Manchin (D-WV), along with Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), met with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelesnkyy in the capital city of Kyiv Wednesday. The group held discussion with the leader of Ukraine over military involvement, energy security as well as foreign assistance.

“The Ukrainian people continue to show unimaginable courage in the face of Vladimir Putin’s unjust war, Manchin said Wednesday. “I was honored to meet with President Zelenskyy and members of his cabinet in Kyiv to learn firsthand about the challenges they face as this war rages on.”

The trio of congress members were also joined by country music artist and West Virginia native, Brad Paisley, who’s also a United24 Ambassador.

United24 is a platform that was launched by the Ukrainian government to help raise money for the Russo-Ukrainian War. Its goal is increases donations to the country of Ukraine. As of earlier this month, the platform has raised more than $305 million.

Manchin made it clear while speaking to the press in Kiev that the U.S. is still a strong ally for Ukraine and it’s people.

“We’re gonna make sure that we’re here through this entire fight, and this entire victory that the Ukrainian people will have,” Manchin said. “In my lifetime I’ve never seen the United States of America in a more just war that what this one is.”

The meetings the congressional delegation had with Zelenskyy were another reminder to Manchin of the fight shown by the people and the Ukrainian government.

“It’s been a visit to see upfront, the determination and the will of the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people,” said Manchin. “It’s our pleasure to be able to give them all the support we possible can.”

Senator Murkowski sits on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. She’s been inspired by what Ukraine has been able to pull through against.

“For more than a year, the people of Ukraine have stood against the unspeakable atrocities unleashed against them by Vladimir Putin. Ukraine is an inspiration to the world, and it was an honor to meet with President Zelenskyy to reiterate our unwavering bipartisan support for their sovereignty and fledgling democracy,” said Murkowski

Arizona Senator and U.S. Navy combat veteran Mark Kelly said despite the invasion, the people of Ukraine have been “resilient.”

“What we’ve seen here is the incredible resolve of the Ukrainian people and their leaders,” Kelly said.

Brad Paisley brought his usual tan cowboy hat with him overseas and wrapped up the presser in Kyiv with a quick tune after sharing his thoughts on the eye-opening visit.

“Being here for the first time, I’m struck by the resilience of life,” Paisley said. “This city is trying to thrive in the middle of this conflict.”

Paisley recently released a new song titled, “Same Here” which actually features President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

He sang the song with a guitar in hand. A little “Take Me Home, Country Roads” followed.

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