PRINCETON, W.Va. — The Beckley Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s outpatient clinic in Mercer County will open at its new location on Monday.
The relocated clinic — less than a mile from its former location adjoining the Princeton VA Center — is notably larger, with 6,700 square feet of available space, compared to 900 square feet at the previous site. Public Affairs Officer Sara Yoke said the facility’s size and customized design will optimize patient flow and safety, in a more aesthetically comfortable environment for both patients and employees.
“This gives us room to expand some services, to eventually maybe hire more staff. Currently, we see about 1,200 patients at the Princeton clinic, ” she said. “We’ll be able to have selective lab and pharmacy services. I’ve been in the clinic. It’s gorgeous space. It’s open, the colors are natural, calming. There’s great sunlight.”
The clinic will continue to offer it’s regular services, including primary and preventive care, mental health care, TeleHealth, and women’s health care. Yoke said patients in Mercer County who routinely travel to Beckley in order to avoid the limitations and cramped spaces at the old Princeton VA Clinic location are being invited, by letter, to transfer all of the services they receive to the new location. She also said she’s hopeful that the opening of the new facility will encourage veterans who have chosen not to utilize VA medical services to reconsider the treatment options that are available, specifically to meet their needs.
“At least inquire about it because you might not know that there’s benefits out there that you deserve, that you’ve earned. If there’s something that’s not available within our VA medical center, there are avenues for community care,” said Yoke.
The Princeton VA Clinic’s new location is 150 Court House Road, Suite 201, adjacent to the Four Seasons Pharmacy parking lot. Yoke said a grand opening date in the spring will be announced soon.